Untitled Vignette
Untitled Vignette

Conté on paper, 280 x 280mm, 1995 - Michael Dell

Grey Drawing
Grey Drawing

Conté on paper, 720 x 580mm, 1997 - Michael Dell


2 Parts, Conté and Cigarette Burns on Paper, each 390 x 130mm, 2002 - Michael Dell

Cluster With Skull
Cluster With Skull

Acrylic on linen, 290mm Diameter, 2008 - Michael Dell

Untitled Vignette
Grey Drawing
Cluster With Skull
Untitled Vignette

Conté on paper, 280 x 280mm, 1995 - Michael Dell

Grey Drawing

Conté on paper, 720 x 580mm, 1997 - Michael Dell


2 Parts, Conté and Cigarette Burns on Paper, each 390 x 130mm, 2002 - Michael Dell

Cluster With Skull

Acrylic on linen, 290mm Diameter, 2008 - Michael Dell

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